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Version: v0.4.0

Frequently asked questions

Does Obol have a token?

No. Distributed validators use only ether.

Can I keep my existing validator client?

Yes. Charon sits as a middleware between a validator client and it's beacon node. All validators that implement the standard REST API will be supported, along with all popular client delivery software such as DAppNode packages, Rocket Pool's smart node, StakeHouse's wagyu, and Stereum's node launcher.

Can I migrate my existing validator into a distributed validator?

It will be possible to split an existing validator keystore into a set of key shares suitable for a distributed validator, but it is a trusted distribution process, and if the old staking system is not safely shut down, it could pose a risk of double signing alongside the new distributed validator.

In an ideal scenario, a distributed validator's private key should never exist in full in a single location.

Where can I learn more about Distributed Validators?

Have you checked out our blog site and twitter yet? Maybe join our discord too.